

Where Do I Begin? Start Here!

I read this very practical book from cover to cover. I couldn't put it down, everything in it just makes sense.

"Just In Case: How to be Self-Sufficient When the Unexpected Happens" by Kathy Harrison should be read by anyone tempted to wait until an emergency is upon us before they begin to prepare.

Every area of the country is suseptible to some kind of emergency (think hurricane, tornado, fire, earthquake). You may think it unnecessary to purchase large amounts of food or have alternative heat and cooking methods, but Kathy Harrison will change your mind on that!

Kathy Harrison is simply a mother who wants to be able to care for her family even if traditional supply lines are not working. And she wants you to be able to provide for your family as well.

This is an extremely useful book that examines various emergency scenarios and offers suggestions for coping with each, from short-term power outages to long-term food shortages.

If you are not sure where to begin on your preparedness journey, start with this book. Even if you are well on your way to preparedness, you will find useful information in this book. Truly one of the best books on preparedness I have read.

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