

What We Should Be Doing Anyway

Tough times are here. If the economy has not affected your family, it certainly has affected someone you know. Many people are trying to "tighten their belt" and cut expenses. People are eager to learn frugal methods and embrace simpler ways of living, using less and wasting less. For some this is the result of necessity. But these are things that we should have probably been doing all along. Things we should have been doing anyway.

When you look at frugality not as a necessity, but as being a good steward of everything that has been given to you, it becomes not a burden but an adventure.

I love the adventure of finding new ways to make do with what I have. Here's an example.

Years ago, on a frugal living site, I read a tip about cutting open a tube of makeup to get out every last drop. Now I consider myself pretty frugal, but that was just not something I would have ever bothered with. Until now.

Yes, it's true.. I really did cut open the tube. And you know what? There is 2 to 3 week's worth of makeup just sitting there trapped in the tube!

I found a new way to "make do" and stretch what I have. That works for me!

How have you learned to "make do" with what you have? Leave me a comment. I would love to hear your ideas.

For more great ideas check out What I Learned this Week and Frugal Friday.