

Common Sense is the Best Medicine

Sometimes common sense is the best medicine. These are some of the common-sense steps I take to help defend against the cold and flu.

1. Get plenty of rest
If you aren't getting enough sleep, your immune system is weakened.

2. Stay hydrated
Make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Water is essential for optimal function of every system in your body. This is especially important during the dry winter months when heating systems can really dry you out.

3. Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth
These are key entry points for germs and viruses.

4. Get regular exercise
Regular exercise can boost your immune system and increase your resistance to illness. However, over-exercising can place stress on the body, so exercise in moderation.

5. Take a multi-vitamin supplement
You should be getting vitamins and minerals through consistently healthy eating. However, to plug any gaps, it may be helpful to take a vitamin supplement.

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