

Apocalypse Chow! (How to Eat Well When the Power Goes Out)

From the back of the book:

Right now, somewhere in America, a storm has knocked out the electricity. With Apocalypse Chow! John Robertson delivers a very practical guide to eating with elegance even when the refrigerator, stove, and microwave are rendered powerless.

There is so much to learn about long-term food storage and preparedness. But that's not what you will find in this book. No, this fun little book is a great place to start, I guess, if what you want is a way to "make the best" out of a short period of time without electricity. The focus is away from emergency beans and weenies and instead encourages more elegant fare. The book contains over 60 recipes including Almost Instant Black Bean Chili and Cruchy Asian Salad with Peanut Dressing.

At the bare minimum, every family should have provisions to make a week of simple, familiar meals in the absence of electricity. If you need encouragement to get to that point, then perhaps this book will get you headed in the right direction. If, however, you see a need for more extended preparedness, you will need to expand your search to books devoted to long-term food storage.

Apocalypse Chow is available through Amazon.