

Free ebook: The Very First Easter

Amazon currently has the Kindle version of The Very First Easter from the Beginner Bible series listed as free. Remember, Amazon prices can change at any time so check the price before downloading.

If you don't own a Kindle, you can download this free application which will allow you to read Kindle books on your PC.

One Trip = Three Stops

With the high cost of gasoline, much has been written about ways to save money on gas. However, the surest way to save money is simply by driving less. By carefully planning your outings, it is often possible to combine trips and reduce your mileage.

For example, for the past week, I made a list of each time I hopped in the car. It was amazing how many short trips I make to the grocery store or CVS, the library, or the health food store. I make trips to post office, the cash station, or even just to get more gas!

So now I am challenging myself to make three stops each time I jump in the car. If I need to pick up my children from an activity, I try to plan at least two stops along the way. That way, I will eliminate the need to do it later, saving both time and money.

It does take some planning and thinking ahead, but by combining trips I will reduce the number of times I need to run out. The result will be less money spent on gas.

Read more about how to plan your trips and compare local gas prices.

Considering a Road Trip? Check out this easy fuel cost calculator

If you are considering a road trip, you may want to check out this quick and easy site for estimating your fuel cost. Select your starting city and destination. Then enter your vehicle information.

Using current gasoline prices from AAA's daily, online Fuel Gauge Report, as well as the latest highway fuel economy ratings from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the AAA Fuel Cost Calculator estimates the amount and cost of gasoline needed to complete a vacation trip.

Although the total number of miles driven and prices paid for gasoline during your trip may vary from the estimates provided, the AAA Fuel Cost Calculator will give you an idea of the fuel cost of your trip.

Polish Your Shoe Repair Skills

Why buy new shoes when you may be able to fix the old ones? By learning to properly care for your shoes and learning to make minor repairs yourself, you may save a bundle over the course of a year.

Recently, I replaced the heel tips on a pair of black pumps. The shoe uppers were in great shape but the heel tips had worn through to the metal screw. I purchased new tips for just a few dollars on ebay and did the repair myself. It's just a matter of pulling off the old tip with a pliers or pincers, then gently pounding the new tip in place with a hammer. It was simple!

Check out this tutorial at You can also purchase heel tips at the site.

On the same pair of pumps, the rubber sole became detached from the shoe upper. I used some shoe glue and glued it myself. Again, so simple. I have worn these classic pumps for many years and they still look great.

I also keep our shoes looking their best by keeping them polished. A little care goes a long way in keeping shoes in great condition. Maybe you really don't need a new pair of shoes. Perhaps you could refurbish or repair instead!

Check Gas Prices Near You

With gas prices on the rise, you want to be sure you are getting the best price possible.

You can easily compare gas prices at several online sites but my favorite is Gas prices are submitted by users in the local area along with the date and time they saw the price. Other useful tools available at the site include a fuel logbook so you can keep track of your fuel expenditures.

There is even a GasBuddy app which will give you either a list or a map of gas stations near you. You can configure it to list the stations in order of how close they are to you or by price. This app is also available for Android and Windows 7 smartphones.

Don't pay more for gas than you have to!

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Favorite Finds: The Easter Story by Brian Wildsmith

If you are looking for a children's version of the Easter story, here's my personal favorite, told from the perspective of the donkey carrying Jesus on Palm Sunday.

I have read many children's books featuring the story of Easter, but this is my all-time favorite, The Easter Story by Brian Wildsmith.