

Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals

I've decided that I need to be more intentional about setting goals instead of just letting "life happen". I know that I can't do everything at once, but a start is better than nothing.

Some of my goals are immediate necessities (like the one I will talk about in a minute), some will have to wait a bit. I've been doing some reading on goal setting and came across this helpful acronym to use when setting goals. Make sure that your goals are S.M.A.R.T.

In order to be effective, goals should be:

S = Specific
M = Measurable
A = Attainable
R = Realistic
T = Time-sensitive

So here we go with my first goal: I have a critical need to reduce my family's food costs.

With a member of my family on a restricted diet, we eat primarily organic and unprocessed foods. This can get very expensive, as well as time-consuming (read: cook from scratch). Add to that the fact that I have two teenagers, and you get the picture. I need to find ways to obtain healthy and organic food at a lower cost. Many of the coupon and low-cost sale items at my local grocer just do not help in my situation.

So back to the goal.

Is my goal specific? I would like to reduce my family's food cost by 30%. This will include groceries as well as any eating out (which does not happen very often).

Is my goal measurable? With some effort, this goal is certainly measurable. I know what my monthly food cost is currently (way too much!). I know what my goal amount is ( a 30% reduction). Now I need to keep an accurate record of all food costs in order to measure my progress.

Is my goal attainable? I would love to reduce my food budget by more than 30%. But because of the factors already mentioned, I feel I may have a difficult time. I know that I am going to have to get really creative in order to accomplish this 30% reduction, but I do feel that it is attainable.

Is my goal realistic? I believe that by being  creative I will be able to come up with ways to reduce my family's food cost without sacrificing the quality or quantity of our food.

Is my goal time-sensitive? It is important that a time limit be set for completion of the goal. Without a deadline there is no urgency. The goal becomes "I'll do it someday."

I have set a two month time period to make this reduction in expenses. This may seem like a long time. Why not just reduce the expense in the first month? Like I mentioned, I feel I'm going to have to get creative and try some new things. So that I don't get overwhelmed and discouraged, I'm hoping to try one or two new ideas each week over a two month period.

I would love to hear your ideas for reducing food costs while eating mostly organic and unprocessed foods.