

Removing Dark Scratch Marks from Dinnerware

My inexpensive white dinnerware plates were covered with dark scratch marks from flatware. Check out these before shots:

Bar Keepers Friend is great for removing these scratches! I happened upon some at my local grocer today for $1.59.

I simply rinsed the plate to get it wet, and sprinkled the plate with Bar Keepers Friend. I took a damp cloth and rubbed the scratches away. It really was that easy!

Here's what that plate looks like now.

Be sure to clean thoroughly to get any residue from the Bar Keepers Friend off of your dinnerware. I ran mine through the dishwasher to be sure.

It really was that simple and the plates look good as new!

This post was shared at The Purposeful MomThe Stuff of Success, The Morris Tribe and The Frugal Girls.