

How to Keep Tomatoes Fresh

Fresh tomatoes should be stored at room temperature. Refrigeration will change the tomato's texture and taste. But tomatoes left on the kitchen counter can spoil rapidly, so here's a tip to extend the life of your fresh tomatoes.

Purchase tomatoes on the vine if possible. Tomatoes lose moisture through the stem area (that indented circular area where the tomato attaches to the vine). Keeping that area covered is important in maximizing the shelf life of the tomato.

If your tomatoes are no longer attached to the vine, store them with the stem area down, facing a flat surface. Alternatively, you may cover the area with a small piece of tape. The idea is to reduce moisture loss from the stem area.

It is always best to eat tomatoes shortly after harvesting, but this little trick will gain you a few more days of fresh tomatoes.

For more tips and tricks to keep produce fresh longer, check out these posts:

Keep Strawberries Fresh Longer

Keep Asparagus Fresh Longer

How to Store Mushrooms

Keeping Sweet Corn Sweet

What tips and tricks do you use to reduce food spoilage?