

How to Store Mushrooms

When you purchase mushrooms at the supermarket, they are often packaged in a Styrofoam container with plastic wrap. If you look closely at the plastic wrap, you will notice small air holes. Mushrooms usually keep well in this type of packaging for a couple of days in the refrigerator.

If you need to store the mushrooms for more than a couple of days, further steps must be taken to keep them fresh. Too much moisture will result in slimy mushrooms, too much evaporation of moisture will result in shriveled mushrooms.

Here's what works for me:

Wrap unwashed mushrooms in paper towels and place them in a perforated plastic bags . If you don't have a perforated plastic bag, you could place the wrapped mushrooms in a bowl and cover the bowl with plastic wrap. Punch a few holes in the plastic wrap to mimic the perforated bag.

Or, depending on the original packaging, you may even be able to place the paper towel-wrapped mushrooms back in the original container and cover with the original plastic wrap.

Use this method to keep your mushrooms fresh. Because tossing spoiled food is like throwing money away!

For more tips and tricks to keep produce fresh longer, check out these posts:

Keep Strawberries Fresh Longer

Keep Asparagus Fresh Longer

What tips and tricks do you use to reduce food spoilage?