

Time Saving Tip: Three Ways to Keep Your Socks Together

Eliminate the hassle of sorting socks by keeping pairs together through the washer and dryer. You will never have to search for a missing sock again.

Here are three handy ways to keep your socks together.

Safety Pins
For socks that won't snag easily, this is a simple and frugal solution. Keep socks together by securing them with a safety pin. Keep a small bowl or container your sock drawer. When you select a pair of socks from the drawer, remove the safety pin and place it the bowl.

Keep another container of pins near your laundry hamper or wherever you take off dirty socks. When you remove dirty socks, pin them together and throw them in the hamper. Let them go through the washer and dryer that way. When you remove the socks from the dryer, fold them with the pin in place. You will need to periodically transfer safety pins from the drawer to the hamper area.

Rubber Bands
Using the same method as you would with safety pins, you can secure socks together using rubber bands. This may be preferable in a home with small children, or with socks that may snag with a safety pin.

Plastic Sock Rings
Plastic sock rings are more expensive than safety pins or rubber bands but just as effective. These can be purchased in a variety of colors which comes in handy if you want give each member of the family a different color.

Use one of these methods and you will never have to spend time matching socks. How do you save time in the laundry room?