

A Simple Frugal Headband

I love my frugal face wash {if you haven't tried it, you can read about it here}, but I needed something to hold back my hair when I use it.

I came across this great tutorial for making a headband out of the sleeves of a t-shirt. Since we have more t-shirts around here than we could wear in a lifetime, I knew this was the project to try.

You can read the detailed tutorial here. Since I don't have a rotary cutter, I just used a scissors and it worked great. I didn't do any measuring--just cut strips approximately 1 inch wide.

I used one sleeve cut into four strips. Three strips make the headband and the fourth is wrapped around the seams to hold it all together.

Super simple. Problem solved. Cost : $0.

This post is linked to the Fun in Functional Party and Tiny Tip Tuesday.