

Intentional Spending: My Morning Coffee

As times get tight, most of us are reconsidering how we spend our money. That's a good thing, since we are called to be good stewards of all our resources.

While much is written these days about reducing spending using sales, coupons, and the like, I prefer to focus on what I call intentional spending.

When I do part with those hard-earned dollars, I want to know that those dollars are going to a good cause or a business that I can feel good about.

I really enjoy my morning coffee, and good coffee can be expensive.

Which is why I was thrilled to learn about and the work that they do. When you purchase from, the full amount of your coffee purchase goes to change lives around the world. How great is that?


The One Cup Project was born when Silver Cup’s owner and founder, Christian Kar, read the book “The Hole in Our Gospel” by World Vision President Rich Stearns. In his book, Rich lays out a host a major problems that beset the third world, AND how utterly solvable they are, if given enough resources and time.

Christian called World Vision and asked how we could help. Together they came up with a plan to leverage donations from the sales of Award-Winning Silver Cup Coffee with existing multiplier matching grants.

With the help of these grants, we are able to send the full dollar amount of your coffee purchase to World Vision. That’s right, every last cent.

While good coffee can be expensive, this is one purchase that I feel good about each morning.

Do you have an intentional spending story to share? A favorite business that you support? I would love to hear about it!