

A Beautiful Morning

Thoughtful touches and a little planning can add grace and beauty to even the most productive morning time.

I try to prepare my work area the night before so that I am ready to get to work. A small vase with flowers or other bits of nature gathered the day before is a welcome sight as you sit down to get to work. I have a small collection of thrift store bud vases that works nicely for this.

I've found ways to make other parts of my morning routine beautiful as well. I mentioned here that I purchase coffee from I love the fact that I can support World Vision and their wonderful ministry even as I sip my morning cup of coffee.

A recent addition to my morning work area is a set of coasters from the Mercy House Shop. I have been so inspired by the work of Kristen Welch and Mercy House. Read here about the wonderful work they are doing to support pregnant girls in the Kenyan slums.

These beautiful coasters have been hand made by one the girls living at Mercy House. I enjoy thinking about and praying for the girls at Mercy House as I plan my day ahead.

Check out the Mercy House Shop here and come back tomorrow when I will be hosting a giveaway for a gift certificate to the Mercy House Shop! They have a beautiful selection of items made by the girls as they learn new skills.

Those are some of the things that I do to make my morning more meaningful and more beautiful. How do you make your morning special?

Catch up with more of the Make Over Your Morning Series here.