

Christian Songs MP3 Downloads, $.69 each

Amazon has a large selection of Christian songs available as MP3 downloads. May be a good time to add some songs to your playlists.

Songs in other categories are available at this price as well.

(I love the convenience of shopping online and I think you will too. The links in this post are my referral links. Read my disclosure policy here.)

Use a Dry Erase Decal for Wash Day Notes

Don't put that shirt in the dryer!

Do you need to be reminded of some special wash day instructions? You won't accidentally put the shirt in the dryer when you leave yourself a note on the washing machine.

I use a dry erase decal and dry erase markers to keep wash day reminders top of mind.

I know that some bloggers advocate writing directly on the washing machine, but I have had mixed results with this. Many dry erase markers wipe off pretty easily. But if you leave the note too long, or use a colored dry erase marker, it may be more difficult to remove.

My solution is a dry erase decal. I feel better writing on the decal and not directly on the machine. Plus, you can find a decal to match your taste and decor.

I hope you find this Prudent Pantry tip useful. For more great ideas, follow my tips and tricks board on Pinterest.

Patriotic Outfit Inspiration

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Have you thought about what you'll be wearing on the 4th? Perhaps these ideas will help you to put together an outfit from items already in your closet.

Check out my Patriotic Outfits Pinterest board for inspiration.

Patriotic Ice Cubes

These festive ice cubes are fun to make and a colorful addition to summer drinks.

I placed one raspberry and a few blueberries into each ice cube compartment. Strawberries could be used as well, although you would probably need to cut them first. Just fill the ice cube compartments with water and freeze.

This super simple project makes your summer drinks special!

Getting ready for the 4th? For more patriotic projects, follow me on Pinterest.

Pantry Possibilites: An Armoire to Pantry Conversion

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I'm still in the process of clearing out the books and old school supplies that are currently housed in the armoire I hope to convert. In the meantime, here's a little pantry inspiration from my Pinterest board.

Join me as I scour the Internet to find effective storage ideas to keep my family's provisions organized and easily accessible.

For more pantry inspiration, follow me on Pinterest.

Pantry Possibilities: Converting an Armoire for Use as a Pantry

Pantry Possibilities is a collection of pantry ideas to inspire us to get organized.

I happen to have a very small pantry so I am always looking for new storage ideas. Recently, I have come across many examples on Pinterest of armoires  used as pantry storage.

I may have a very small pantry, but I also have two armoires that I hope to outfit as pantry storage.

Here is an example, via Pinterest, of an armoire converted for use as a pantry.

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My first step is to clear out the books and old school supplies that are currently housed in the armoire I hope to convert.

Join me as I scour the Internet to find effective storage ideas to keep my family's provisions organized and easily accessible.

For more pantry inspiration, follow me on Pinterest.