

Make Use of Your Local Library

One of my favorite frugal activities is to make use of the local library. If you haven't utilized your library recently, you may be in for a very pleasant surprise.

Besides the obvious (books), many libraries have music, movies, games and more available for check-out. Better still, if you live near a branch location of a larger library system, you may be able to have books sent from other locations to your local branch.

This is a feature that my family uses regularly. Recently I posted about my favorite food preservation books . From the comfort of my home computer, I was able to see the selection of preservation books available in my library system.

Since most of these books were not housed at my local branch, I was able to put the book on "hold" and have it sent to my local branch. I receive an automated phone call when the book is waiting for me. I can also check the status of my request online.

In this way, I have been able to check out nearly twenty different books on food preservation. I was able to look them over carefully and decide which books are best for me. Then, if I feel a book is worthy of a place in my home library, I may decide to buy it. By using this process I am able to make a very informed decision before making the purchase.

And it is so convenient! Take some time to check out the options available at your local library.

Submitted with special thanks to Works for Me Wednesday, Things I Love Thursday and Frugal Friday.