

Planning for Higher Gas Prices

With many in the media predicting higher gas prices in the near future, is there anything you can do now to prepare?

Improve Your Gas Mileage

We have all read the usual advice regarding how to increase gas mileage: maintain proper air pressure in your tires, shop for the lowest gas price, do not drive aggressively. If you aren't already doing these things, now is the time to start.

Reduce the Number of Miles You Drive

Plan your errands, combine trips, carpool when you can, perhaps walk or take a bike. These are all great ways to reduce the number of miles you drive. 

Rethink your commute. Could you work from home one day per week? Could you change your schedule so that you aren't traveling during rush hour?

Change Your Budget Now

Take a look at your current budget and increase your gas category by 25% (or more if you feel gas prices may rise even more). What happens to your overall budget? Do you need to cut back in other areas?

You will probably need to make some changes if gas prices rise. Wouldn't it be better to make those changes now rather than when you're scrambling for extra cash? In the meantime, you can save that extra gas money in case prices rise more than you anticipated.

We have no control over the price at the pump. But we can take measures now to reduce our gas consumption and adjust our budget.