The Home Storage "Emergency Fund"

We take so much for granted.

We assume that we can make a last minute trip to the grocery store to provide food for dinner. We assume that we can run to the local drug store when our child runs a fever. If we are down to our last drop of gasoline, no problem, there is always a gas station around the corner.

But what if our assumptions are wrong. What if, one day, we are not able to simply run to the store for what we need.

This could happen for a variety of reasons. We may become ill, our car may not start. Perhaps, due to a layoff, we are living off our last paycheck. Maybe severe weather has wreaked havoc on the transportation system that brings food, fuel, and supplies to your town.

So many things could go wrong and we have become so dependent on systems that may crash for any one of a variety of reasons.

Most people carry insurance for their home, car, health, and life. What about insuring your family's well-being in case of a storm, a layoff, or an illness? Storing food and neccesary household items is insurance that your family will be prepared when the unexpected happens.

Begin preparing today.