So many deals, so little time. There was a time when I loved to go from store to store each week, picking up the best deals from each establishment. No more. There just isn't time.
But, being the bargain-loving shopper that I am, I am determined to get a good price on all that I purchase. How do I do it?
First, I shop at only a very few stores. While I love reading about the bargains to be had at the plethora of retail establishments out there, I do not have the time or the gasoline to be driving from place to place. For grocery shopping, I have one store. It's just down the street and has everything I need--just not always at the price I want to pay. The solution? Stock up sales and "shopping from the pantry".
I am able to get all the information I need about this week's sale (and if I'm lucky next week's sale too) online. If you live in my neck of the woods, you will want to know about I Heart Publix. But no matter where you live, you can get information about your store's sales online at Hot Coupon World. They have a forum for just about every chain on the planet.
When it comes to household items, I've been pleasantly surprised at the great deals to be had at my grocery store (using sale prices and coupons, of course). Again, you need to really stock up when there is a bargain so you aren't tempted to pay full price later. Recently, I was able to snag free toothpaste, free fabric softener and some really cheap laundry detergent.
Although I will, on very rare occasion, drive to Walmart (it's just not convenient), I have found that shopping online is sometimes more economical and much more efficient. I recently learned about a new site specializing in household goods. Just this past week, I was able to snag some great deals at Alice.com that rivaled the best prices I could find locally. You can see a run-down of the deals here.
When I can get my groceries just down the street and purchase other essentials online, that works for me!