

10 Goals for this Week

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How did you do on your goals for last week?

Here are my ten from last week. While I didn't get everything done (again!), I am finding that having goals helps me to stay focused on what I want to accomplish during the week.

  1. Get 8 hours of sleep per night Not quite, but getting better.
  2. Exercise for 30 minutes on a treadmill 3 times this week Yay, I did it!
  3. Finish listening to 18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done. Done. Watch for my review, coming soon.
  4. Stick to my morning routine Done. It is so helpful to have this routine.
  5. Wardrobe Update: Create 1 new outfit using pieces I already own (shopping in my closet). Done
Home Management
  1. Freezer cooking: Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
  2. Try a new soup recipe: Potato Leek Soup Done. Read about it here.
  3. Declutter and organize the cutlery drawer Didn't get to this.
  4. Organize recipes Started but far from finished.
  5. Read The Promodoro Technique (free ebook on using a timer for time management) Done.
And here are 10 goals for the coming week:
  1. 8 hours of sleep per night.
  2. Establish an evening routine.
  3. Exercise on the treadmill three times this week.
  4. Read All the Money in the World by Laura Vanderkam
  5. Plan five work outfits for the week.
Home Management
  1. Try a new soup recipe.
  2. Make lunches to take to work.
  3. Declutter the cutlery drawer.
  4. Finish organizing recipes.
  5. Organize "pantry armoir".
Check back next week to see how it went. Writing down goals makes it so much more likely you will get them done. Try it!