

Habits: The Evening Routine

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Preparing for tomorrow begins long before bedtime. It actually begins right after dinner. Since the dinner schedule around here is erratic, there is no set time for this process to begin, but is does begin just as soon as we are through in the kitchen.

As with the morning routine, I keep this routine posted on the refrigerator. It's not that I can't remember the steps, but having them posted is a visual reminder of what needs to be done. With posted instructions, I am less likely to get off track.

Here's my evening routine:
  • Kitchen clean-up and quick pick up of clutter (this is when I get the coffee maker set up for the next morning)
  • Review tomorrow's schedule
  • Get clothes ready for tomorrow
  • Wash face (using the oil method--so relaxing) and brush teeth
  • Set alarm clock
  • Reading and prayer
Establish an evening routine and stick to it. The next morning, you will be so glad you did.