

Make Over Your Morning: Choose Your Spot

   For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.
2 Timothy 1:7

Since you may not have yet decided what exactly you will do once you get out of bed, you may want to include some planning time the first few mornings. I mentioned here that I am following along with Money Saving Mom and the ebook Early To Rise by Andy Traub.

Day 1 of Early To Rise involves planning for success. Get ready to succeed!

Prepare for morning planning time by choosing your spot, collecting your supplies, and setting everything out the night before.

While the idea of settling in on a soft sofa with a cup of coffee sounds great (and I have tried this many mornings), I have found that I tend to get sleepy again and the soft pillows are just too tempting so this is not a good place for me to start morning time.

For me, the most productive spot is the kitchen table. Another good option, if you have it available, is a desk. Whatever spot you choose for your first early morning, it is important that it be cleared off, made as pleasant as possible, and that all necessary supplies are set out the night before.

Whatever supplies you use for planning should be set out and ready to go. Many people use some type of computer program but I still prefer paper and pencil. The act of writing out my plans cements them in my mind. For me, typing into an electronic device just doesn’t have the same effect.

I have a planning binder where I keep sections for my daily schedules, weekend plans, short term and long term goals. I use a mechanical pencil because I often tweak and change things.  These are the items I have ready on a clean and cleared off table the night before.
What spot will you choose for this important time? Give it some thought so you will be ready to go in the morning.

More in the series: