

Make Over Your Morning: What Will You Wear?

When your feet hit the floor in the early morning, what will you put on them? Your answer will depend, of course, on how you will use this time, but let me offer a suggestion.

If your morning plan is to get to work, to get something done, putting on your comfy soft slippers will not get you motivated to get moving. Instead, choose something that signals your brain that you are ready for work.

My morning footwear of choice usually resembles running shoes more than slippers. I do have a pair of slippers I often wear (and am wearing right now, in fact) but they are more like supportive house shoes than plush comfy slippers.

If I am too comfortable (fluffy slippers, sitting on a soft sofa), I will go right back to sleep. It has happened many times! Choose your footwear wisely.

What else should you wear? That depends on what you will be doing, but I find that I am more productive if I get out of my pajamas and into some real clothes. Usually, I will choose very comfortable clothes (jeans, etc.) but I need to signal my brain that the day has started and that I am ready for work.

What will you wear? Choose wisely for a more productive morning.

Read more of the morning make over series here: