The Perpetual Paycheck: 5 Secrets to Getting a Job, Keeping a Job, and Earning Income for Life in the Loyalty-Free Workplace [Kindle], $1.99

Get The Perpetual Paycheck: 5 Secrets to Getting a Job, Keeping a Job, and Earning Income for Life in the Loyalty-Free Workplace for $1.99 right now at Amazon.

From Amazon:
Right now is the perfect time to be looking for a job, because there are more opportunities for employees than ever before.

That may seem hard to believe… but it’s true.
Few people recognize what’s happening in today’s job market. Even fewer people have the tools they need to access those rewards. Today’s workplace may be loyalty-free, but this environment can propel employees to assert their workplace independence and use this unprecedented flexibility to truly soar.
The Perpetual Paycheck: 5 Secrets to Getting a Job, Keeping a Job, and Earning Income for Life in the Loyalty-Free Workplace is a nuts-and-bolts guide you can use to not only survive, but thrive. Offering a contrarian approach backed up by actual current workplace experiences, author Lori Rassas provides practical, accessible job-finding secrets for those looking for a new job, those looking to solidify their current position, those looking to advance their position, and those looking to change careers or industries.

(I love the convenience of shopping online and I think you will too. The links in this post are my referral links. Read my disclosure policy here.)