Real Food for Less: Buy in Bulk

One of my personal goals is to lower my family's food budget. Natural and organic food can be very expensive, and I am looking for ways to lower this cost.

Here's a great (real world) example of how buying in bulk can lower your food cost. It's a "real world" example because, while making pancake mix this week, I ran out of flax seed and purchased the prepackaged flax for $2.79. When I made a trip to a health food store later in the week, I realized how hasty I had been and how much it had cost me.

I paid $2.79 for a 7 ounce package of organic flax seed. At the health food store, the organic flax seed is sold in bulk for $1.89 per pound.

Do the Math

At $2.79 for a 7 ounces, that prepackaged flax seed cost $6.38 per pound!  Buying in bulk saved me over 70%!

If you don't have a source for bulk flax seed, you can purchase online and save

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