The timing of today's topic could not be better. Obstacles are always going to come up that have the potential to knock you off course. Crystal tells us that the key to overcoming obstacles is to anticipate them and plan for them.
Did you notice that I missed posting yesterday? Yes, an obstacle came up, but it was something that should have been easily anticipated--Halloween! With the additional activities (and trick-or-treaters) that kept me busy last night, I never got around to posting or completing a step on the mega project. However, I was able to get the kitchen cleaned up before bed (just barely).
So what is the solution to overcoming this type of obstacle? While holidays come up only once in a while, other special activities and events can throw you off track as well.
I realized yesterday that, while I have time in my day designated to the kitchen clean up project, I really hadn't earmarked a time for the organized pantry mega project. And without a plan as to when that was actually going to get completed, when other activities came up, it just never got done.
I have decided that I will designate a time in the late afternoon, before the dinner preparations begin to work on the day's mega project task. Now, if something crops up during that designated time, I know that I will immediately need to schedule the task that did not get completed.
Mega Project Step 5
Since I now have some extra shelf space from clearing out expired and stale items, it is much easier to move things around. The zone that I will work on today is vinegars and oil. I use a number of different vinegars and oil in my cooking and some of the containers are rather large. Today I will clean off a half of one shelf for these items.
Once the shelf is cleaned and dry, I will organize the vinegars and oils using a method similar to how I organized the canned goods on day 3. Again, this is not a huge step and it will not take too much time. But by doing just a little bit each day, I am on my way to an organized pantry.
How are you doing on your new habit and mega project? Have you encountered any obstacles? I would love to hear about it!
Continue with Day 6 here.
Are you just joining our 21-day adventure? Start with Day 1 here.
This series is based on the ebook 21 Days To A More Disciplined Life
(Note: The links in this post are my referral links. Read my disclosure policy here.)